The Gorgojo

November 27 

One of our favorite morning hikes ascends the mountain trail called “the Gorgojo”.  The gorgojo is an invasive pine beetle, responsible for much destruction of the Honduran conifer forest.  Midway up the mountain, the majestic, green-boughed pines give way to their denuded, decayed and deceased cousins who have fallen victim to the damaging insect.

However, found within the zones of heaviest destruction are signs of hope and optimism.  Crowds of tiny pine saplings huddle together, awaiting their chance to be planted, and to renew and refresh the decimated forest.

 These pine tree “daycares” call to mind the young, gangly and tender lives with whom we share community.   We are privileged to have recently participated in many of their meaningful rites of passage.  Quinceañeras, graduations and First Holy Communions have nourished and celebrated their physical, academic and spiritual growth.  How joyful we feel to watch as they grow, push their own branches skyward, and become the teachers, journalists, doctors, lawyers and engineers of the future. 


Tomorrow is Honduras’ presidential election.  
In this country which has many problems, tomorrow ushers in a time to rejuvenate, replant and resolve.  Like the saplings lined up to reforest the mountaintop, these young people stand ready to transform the world on their horizon into a better one.


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